S.T.A.D.S Child-safe, Child-friendly Policy




Supporting Children’s




Supporting Staff and




Dealing with Complaints:






Our policy is to guide staff and students on acceptable behaviour when
working with children within the S.T.A.D.S Environment. The policy focuses on how we can promote safe participation within our organisation.

S.TA.D.S supports the active participation, the interests, and the views of all
children involved with our activities. At the beginning of each year, each
class discuss appropriate and acceptable behaviour from each other and
themselves. We respect and value the views and ideas of all students and
involve them in making class decisions that are appropriate to them.

We promote respect, fairness and consideration for all staff and students within our classes. Junior Staff and Students have a senior staff member assigned to assist them within the S.T.A.D.S environment and all staff, parents and students are encouraged to openly speak with Sarah regarding any matters of concern.

All new staff, parents and students are able to access the Child-safe, child-friendly policy and our Code of conduct at any time both on our website, our premises or via request.

S.T.A.D.S maintains a high standard of recruitment, screening and
selection for all staff members. All eligible staff members hold a
Working With Children Check.

Our recruitment consists of interviews, references, known teaching
history and Working With Children Checks.

Any complaints or concerns are to be directed via phone or email to Sarah
Schols (owner and Managing Director) - 0415 995 225 or

  • Our policy is discussed during all staff inductions and meetings.
  • Our policy is available to all students and parents at the premises or on request. 
  • A Child protection guide to policy and practice is also available within our classes to any parent or staff member.

Our Child-safe, Child-Friendly policy will be reviewed each year, incorporating comments and suggestions from chidren, young people, staff and parents.


Printable Copy

Please download a copy of the S.T.A.D.S Child Safe Child-friendly Policy here 
and keep it in a place where it can be referred to during the term.